
Business Name: Voile
Gear Category:
City: Salt Lake City
State: UT
American Made: All
About the Business:

Are we a French Company? The short answer is no. Let’s put it this way: A microwaved burrito is way more common in our lunchroom than a baguette and brie. After work, beer is far more likely to be imbibed than wine. And secondhand smoke from a Gauloise would never be tolerated. So what’s up with our Eurotrash, pseudo-Franco-phile name? We’re not even sure ourselves, but what we do know is that for 35 years the name Voilé (vò-lay) has been synonymous with backcountry winter adventure. Rather than the Alps, we are located minutes away from the best snow on earth: the Wasatch Mountains of Utah. . . Voilé has always been a company willing to try anything and then perfect the hell out of it. The end product may not be a sexy or expensive as it could be, but to bear our logo it will definitely deliver performance, reliability, durability, and will simultaneously remain as lightweight as possible. . . All history aside, we realize that nobody on the planet buys a pair of skis based on the past. Today is all that counts. Competition in the backcountry category is fierce, and the end user is more discriminating than ever. As a result, Voilé ski design is constantly evolving. There are, however, a few ideas that never change. The hallmarks of any Voilé ski will always be solid and lightweight construction in a design that performs, but doesn’t break the bank. Witness this year’s line of award winning backcountry skis, and know they are all hand-crafted with care, under one roof, in the shadow of the Wasatch Mountains.