American Outdoor Gear Hub started out of frustration but was built as a labor of love to inform, connect, and inspire.
Launched in 2019, this is a site created by, for, and with the help of the outdoor community.

In the beginning…
…there I was trying to buy outdoor gear made locally and struggling to figure out who was making what and where. Spending way too much time trying to figure out which companies were producing their products in the states, I often resorted to buying gear that wasn’t American made. I started this site to solve this problem by creating The Goods directory of American Companies producing outdoor gear in America. The directory will constantly be updated and refined as new American Outdoor companies come online and existing companies evolve.
And, the more I read and researched, the more I realized that there is a movement afoot in the outdoor gear space to manufacture or assemble locally. Local craftsmanship is back in vogue and spreading like wildfire all over the country, and people are using their pocketbooks as fuel to fan the flames. Yes, local manufacturing has always been here, but companies are popping up from coast to coast and making great outdoor gear in their garage, in local neighborhoods, and on Main Street. This trend is not only creating jobs but is also being capitalized upon as an economic development tactic to revitalize towns and neighborhoods. So, I added a blog into the mix as the go-to place for you to stay current on all the happenings in this segment of the outdoor industry. Visit often for interesting stories and information about companies, people, and communities that are making, assembling, creating, promoting, and building great products and places.
The site seeks to spread the word about companies that are creating fantastic gear all over the United States — the gear they make, the people and communities behind them, and their beneficial impact on local economies from coast to coast.
The site seeks to inspire you to shop locally, to buy outdoor gear made in America, and maybe even to scratch that entrepreneurial itch in your own back yard.
The site is a place for everyone from the gear junkie to the birdwatcher in the local park to find gear, connect with companies, and help companies connect with you.